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Transsoolisus, M2F, F2M, sookorrigeerimine Eestis, genderqueer, queer, sugu, soolisus, soovähemus, transseksuaalsus, drag

    Crossing the divide. Do men really have it easier? These transgender guys found the truth was more complex.


    Crossing the divide. Do men really have it easier? These transgender guys found the truth was more complex. Empty Crossing the divide. Do men really have it easier? These transgender guys found the truth was more complex.

    Postitamine by Marcus Laup 21 Juul 2018, 11:25

    Intervjuud erinevas vanustes USA transmeestega. Huvitavad persoonid, huvitavad küsimused, huvitavad elukogemused ja vaatenurgad.

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      Teis 03 Dets 2024, 16:08