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Transsoolisus, M2F, F2M, sookorrigeerimine Eestis, genderqueer, queer, sugu, soolisus, soovähemus, transseksuaalsus, drag

    The Real Reason For The Trans Bathroom Panic


    The Real Reason For The Trans Bathroom Panic Empty The Real Reason For The Trans Bathroom Panic

    Postitamine by Marcus Püh 07 Apr 2019, 13:09

    There's also the hypocritical nature of this argument, which is that trans people using the bathroom is somehow more of an invasion of privacy than people policing which bathroom they belong in. In fact, this will inevitably lead to (in fact, it has already has led to) non-trans people being harassed in bathrooms for looking like they might be trans.

      Teis 03 Dets 2024, 17:04